Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sustainable Development

First, we see some important concepts to understand what is sustainable development. For sustain we can understand “uphold, affirm, or confirm the justice or validity of”, and develop “grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate”.

So we were wondering, what should we develop? The main topic was countries. We must help countries to develop themselves. The most industrialized countries must help the less industrialized countries to develop. In other words, what we need now days is an economic development.

Sustainable Development refers to this economic development, but it is based on three main pillars: economic, social, and environment development. The main focus of the class was to economic and environmental development.

Another problem we talked about was the population growth against the food consumption. Humanity is consuming more natural resources than those than can be renewable. This means that if the population keeps growing the way it has been done, there wouldn’t be enough food to feed all the population.

Besides, we also have to worry about environment. We concluded that it is our responsibility to find a way to intelligently use renewable resources to maintain all future generations.

Finally, we were asked to answer this question: why do I care about sustainability, and how does it relate with my career?

I care about the world’s sustainability because is the place where I live, where my children will live, and maybe my grandsons will live. To have a proper and decent life, we will have to take care of the world as we take care of ourselves. We must start by taking actions right now. The environmental problems that we have created must be solved soon or later.

Related with my career, technology has been a great help to us, and has aided us to solve a lot of problems. But the way it had helped us, it also have harmed the world terribly. Now we have to think about solutions for the problems we have created with the same technology that we have used. Another way to solve this problem is to create ecological and sustainable technology that doesn’t harm the world as we have done.

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